
Real Albergo dei Poveri (Palazzo Fuga)

Bourbon Hospice for the Poor
Piazza Carlo III


videostill: Rotterdam 2040

When tall is not enough.
Quando l’altezza non basta.


Vele di Scampia



Drawing by Gerard Goosen. Between 1973 and 1976 for Aktiegroup Oude Westen.
collectie Stadsarchief Rotterdam

Opinions about the meaning of dreams have varied and shifted through time and culture.
Il tempo e la cultura cambiano il senso dei sogni.


Piazza del Mercato

The Market Square at Piazza del Mercato has a long history. Its beginnings as a market date back to Roman times. In the Middle Ages it was the site for public executions. It was badly damaged by bombing during World War II and many of the old buildings have been replaced by modern buildings.

The Lijnbaanquarter


Straight lines of the past. So buy a pair of compasses for the future.
Le squadrette sono lo strumento del passato.
Il futuro ha bisogno del compasso.


Chiesa di San Ferdinando

Piazza Trieste e Trento

Delftsche Poort (Gate of Delft)

Painted by Nicolaas Muys, around 1773.
from: ACH LIEVE TIJD, Zeven eeuwen Rotterdam, de Rotterdammers en hun stadsbeeld (deel 08)
Uitgeverij Waanders & GAR, 1987

Explore the DNA of everything.
Esplora il DNA di ogni cosa.


First (but now old) Polyclinic Hospital


The Coolsingelziekenhuis (1848), seen from windmill de Hoop. Photo was taken somewhere between 1910 and 1914. Bombed in 1940 and then demolished.
collectie Stadsarchief Rotterdam

The origins of viruses in the evolutionary history of life are unclear. But it's clear when hospital buildings became a virus through Europe.
L'evoluzionismo non spiega sempre l'origine dei virus. Ma è chiaro da quando gli edifici ospedalieri si sono diffusi in modo virale per l'Europa.


Chiesa del Gesù Nuovo

Piazza del Gesù Nuovo

Old facade head

Vletstraat (Oude Noorden) with old facade head.
photo: Marco de Nood, 1984
collectie Stadsarchief Rotterdam

When new meets old, love unfolds.
Quando il veccho incontra il nuovo,
l'amore si manifesta.