
Bye meneer JAMIN (Frans Vogel)

Met Een Teringrotgang Rotterdam Onderdoor
A publication of Black Cat (1988), composed by Hans Citroen, Willem van Drunen and Cor Kraat
graphic design: Paul Stoute / Nathalie Laureau (Vormgeving Rotterdam) / cover: Willem van Drunen and Paul Stoute

Local products can be big business.
I prodotti locali possono essere
un grande business.

Garbage Goal

Red Goal

Piazzetta San Giovanni in Porta

Green Goals

Het Zwaanshals
Demolished area between Wolstraat and Fabriekstraat at the Zwaanshals.
videostill: Rotterdam 2040

Become the loser, 'cause then you're a winner.
Bisogna perdere, perché tu possa vincere.


The man from Mars ~ Diego Maradona

Somewhere on Via Toledo.

The Dutch Windmill ~ Bep van Klaveren

1907 - 1992
Statue by artist Willem Verbon on the border of the areas Crooswijk and Kralingen.

The real gangsters are the ones
that makes you proud.
I veri criminali sono gli unici
che ti fanno sentire fiero.