Look at us

Look at me
Mod Shop West at the Nieuwe Binnenweg.
photo: Lex de Herder, 1967
collectie Stadsarchief Rotterdam
Build a bridge between our two cities.
Costruisci un ponte tra le nostre due città.
Mod Shop West at the Nieuwe Binnenweg.
photo: Lex de Herder, 1967
collectie Stadsarchief Rotterdam
Build a bridge between our two cities.
Costruisci un ponte tra le nostre due città.
Born in Naples (1929).
Homage to graffiti artist BUD
(1972 - 2012 R.I.P.)
photo: OX Alien, 2013
De Rotterdam, Kop van Zuid
It's not where you buy your spencer or shirt.
It's how to wear it.
Non è importante dove compri il tuo Spencer o la tua maglietta. È come li indossi.
Via Vergini
Sanità area
Waiting for the tram at the Jonker Fransstraat.
When you want to judge a city, check how it respects it's old inhabitants.
Se vuoi giudicare una città, vedi come
rispetta i suoi vecchi.
Somewhere in Naples.
In front of Aktiegroep Oude Westen building.
videostill: Rotterdam 2040
Round the corner is where the beauty lies.
Dietro l'angolo si trova la bellezza.
Naples Arcade (built 1887 - 1890)
Rotterdam Arcade (built 1877 - 1879 /
bombed in 1940)
At the end of the 19th Century,
shopping was what playing video games is
at the end of the 20th Century.
Alla fine del diciannovesimo secolo, fare shopping era quello che alla fine del ventesimo secolo è giocare ai video games.
Teatro Greco-Romano / San Lorenzo Maggiore
Filled with pride the builders of the railway are posing for the camera.
photo: Julius Perger, around 1874
from: ACH LIEVE TIJD, Zeven eeuwen Rotterdam, de Rotterdammers en hun stadsbeeld (deel 08)
Uitgeverij Waanders & GAR, 1987
The centipede will never stop walking through time. Follow their paths, it leads you to warpzones.
I millepiedi non cammineranno mai nel tempo.
Tu segui il loro sentiero, ti condurranno all'ordine.
Via Partenope
The Goudsewagenstraat, after the bombardment of May 14th 1940.
On the background windmill De Noord at Oostplein, which was destroyed by fire in 1954.
collectie Stadsarchief Rotterdam
A good city has no beginning and no end.
Una buona città non ha inizio né fine.
Via Benedetto Croce
Don't be Venice. It's the end for a city.
Just become what you are.
Non essere Venezia. È la fine per una città. Diventa semplicemente quello che sei.
Via Chiaia
Becoming the food Walhalla of the Netherlands.
Growth always starts with a market.
La crescità parte sempre da un mercato.
The oldest of all the gates of Naples.
Via Foria / Piazza Cavour
Monument by artist Cor Kraat (1995) at Pompenburg. The Rotterdam symbol for
50 years of reconstruction.
Don't be fresh for the moment. Be monumental.
Non essere fresco solo per il momento.
Sii monumentale.